Jan Leeming
The official website of Jan Leeming.
Tv & radio interviewer, newsreader, actress, author and voiceover artiste.

Thursday, 5 May 2022 20:24
Last year I was asked to be a Patron, with Peter Egan, of Animals SOS Sri Lanka. One look at the incredible work done by this small charity with no Expensive HQ or a CEO on an eye watering salary, and I agreed.
Kim Cooling Founded the Charity and is a Trustee. No expensive office as she works from a back bedroom in her home and works tirelessly not only running the Charity but having to cope with corruption and bureaucracy in Sri Lanka. Recently the Centre had many dogs poisoned with Warfarin - WHY for heaven’s sake. These poor creatures have been rescued from the streets often maimed from traffic accidents and Haka Patas. Look up that appalling mode of torture - I can hardly bear to talk about it.
However a little bit of good news.
Last year an incredibly generous man bid for the Akubra Hat I’d worn in I’m a Celebrity Get me out of here - it was to benefit Miracles Mission - a charity devoted to helping disabled animals (mainly cats and dogs). The prize was Tea for Two given by me at the Iconic RAF Club in London.
That same lovely man - Nigel Grant - contacted me recently and said he’d be prepared to give another large sum (thousands) to ANIMALS SOS SRI LANKA in return for another Tea at the Club with, if possible, Peter Egan and Kim. It was all arranged but sadly Peter got a last minute job and still Nigel gave the donation.
It was a good opportunity to get all the background and information about the Charity and I was sickened at what she told us. She gave me their Spring Newsletter and I was holding back the tears on the train home.
If you would like to know more about the Charity
Kim is really up against it at the moment in particular. Due to Covid one of their 2 Charity Shops has had to close. There is unrest in Sri Lanka and she desperately needs to take in vital medicines when she travels there in June. They have 2,000 dogs and cats for whom to care and the country is suffering from great unrest as well as a down turn because of Covid and lack of tourists.
PLEASE PLEASE GIVE - and remember all your donations benefit these poor creatures - they don’t give a cushy lifestyle to Kim and her team.
I’m hoping soon to be able to post a video of Kim’s incredibly moving Speech as a Charity Fund raising evening recently. Meanwhile you can find it here https://we.tl/t-7YWMNgG0Yu
Many thanks in anticipation
Jan X